Welcome! Bethany PT, LLC is a physical therapy practice in Eden Prairie, MN. Bethany Nienhuis, DPT provides personalized care, with an emphasis on manual therapy techniques such as myofascial release, soft-tissue mobilization, strain/counterstrain, and remote physical therapy.

These services are aimed at restoring and improving the well-being of clients who are experiencing discomfort from chronic conditions or an acute injury. 

Bethany Nienhuis, DPT, is an experienced physical therapist, with 15 years in practice.  She is trained in John Barnes’ approach to myofascial release and also strain/counterstrain manual therapy.  Bethany received her doctorate in physical therapy from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, and has an undergraduate degree from the College of St. Benedict.  


  • Myofascial release
  • Deep tissue mobilization
  • Strain/Counterstrain therapy
  • Manual therapy
  • Post-surgical rehab
  • Joint Replacement Rehab
    (Knee, Hip, Shoulder)
  • Sacroiliac Joint Pain Rehab
  • Balance and Stabilization
  • Back and Neck Pain
  • Remote Therapy / Teletherapy
